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Danube Delta vulnerability to climate change to be tackled
Key stakeholders in the Danube Delta region have agreed to tackle potential consequences of climate change by signing today a Joint Statement on Climate Proofing the Danube Delta.

4,500 ha of Danube forests saved from clear-cutting in Bulgaria
4,500 ha of Danube forests, some of which protected by the European network of protected areas Natura 2000, will be preserved after the timely intervention of WWF and partnering environmental organisations.

400,000 ha of new Ramsar sites for Romania
Seven new Wetlands of International Importance have been designated by the Ministry of Environment and Forests in Romania with the support of WWF. All sites are closely related to the Danube River meadows and the river's older arms, and have very high biodiversity value.

Bosnia & Herzegovina takes over ICPDR Presidency to coordinate Danube effort
In a ceremony held in Vienna today, Bosnia and Herzegovina took over the presidency of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). The outgoing President, Wolfgang Stalzer of Austria, passes his office on to Ermina Salkicevic-Dizdarevic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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Drava-Mura confluence will remain unspoilt
A highly controversial river regulation project that would have turned the Drava-Mura confluence on the Hungarian-Croatian border into little more than a lifeless canal, has been rejected by the Croatian Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection.

Olympic gold medalist releases 40,000 fish to revitalize the River Inn
WWF Austria's River Ambassador Toni Innauer - a former Olympic gold medalist in ski jumping - has given his support for Austria's living rivers by releasing into the river Inn 40,000 native fish that will help restore the declining fish populations in this important tributary of the Danube.

Restoring nature's balance begins at Liberty Island
Liberty Island, WWF Hungary's largest conservation project, which aims to restore the island's natural floodplain forest and secure drinking water for local communities, has just seen the start of hydro-engineering works which will bring it back to nature.

EU criticizes Croatia's environmental performance
A comprehensive monitoring report issued by the European Commission on Croatia's state of preparedness for EU membership has detected significant gaps in the implementation of EU environmental law. In particular, the report criticizes the insufficient quality of Environmental Impact Assessment studies (EIAs) and finds that they are not in line with EU standards.

Oil leakage from capsized ship threatens Lower Danube
According to the environmental organization WWF, a leakage from a capsized ship in the major port town of Ruse on the Bulgarian side of the Danube can have serious consequences for the environment.