Morava-Dyje floodplains


The floodplains of Morava and Dyje are among the most species-rich river basins in Austria. The Morava-Dyje floodplains are situated in the trilateral area of Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and were declared wetlands of international importance (a Ramsar site) in 2007. They cover an area of approximately 60,000 hectares of extraordinary beauty, forming an unmatched mosaic of extended floodplain forest, lush grasslands and a narrow network of floodplain waters. Ideal conditions for more than 500 endangered species such as the White-tailed and Imperial eagle which find retreat and shelter here.

Sadly, the area is not sufficiently protected in spite of its acknowledged importance. Until the late 1980’s the trilateral border area was shielded from human impact by the Iron Curtain. Today this treasure of biodiversity is acutely threatened. River development, road construction, commercial centres and the planned construction of a shipping channel will irretrievably destroy the floodplains of Eastern Austria. 

While the trilateral site is a declared biosphere reserve in the Czech Republic and a managed nature reserve in Slovakia, the protection status in Austria is particularly weak. For that reason WWF Austria is working towards securing the development of a master plan that will ensure the economic revival of the region without putting the ecological treasures in danger. Only protection as IUCN II Category National Park or an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve are appropriate instruments to preserve the unique floodplain landscape. WWF is involving local communities and authorities to jointly preserve the unique diversity of the Morava-Dyje floodplains for future generations. 

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Morava-Dyje floodplains | Morava | Dyje | March | floodplains | river | Central Europe | Austria | Slovakia | Czech Republic