Give your community a helping hand

Copyright WWF

Find out how Coca-Cola is making community involvement more refreshing than ever. Learn how water conservation, recycling and climate protection can make a real difference to our planet.

Water conservation and water stewardship lead the list of sustainability efforts by The Coca Cola Company. The goal of The Coca Cola Company is to return to communities and nature an amount of water equal to what the company uses in their beverages and their production. Learn how one can meet their water needs while helping to conserve watersheds and improve community water access.

Recycling helps us get one step closer to protecting the environment. Learn what The Coca Cola Company is doing to support their commitment to recycling, and find out what you can do to help.

Climate Change is an important issue that requires the efforts of individuals and businesses alike. Learn what Coca-Cola does in terms of action and education, and find out what small steps you can take to help save the climate.  

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